
Monday, April 19, 2021

Monday Evening Open Thread


Had to take a sleeping pill last night as I had jangled nerves from having to mount the swift execution of a centipede I found in the bathroom.  This was no ordinary centipede: it was at least three inches long, and against the light-coloured background of my shower curtain it looked about the size of a human hand.  I knocked it to the floor and despatched it with a sharp blow from my slipper, then flushed the corpse to ensure that it would not come back to life and haunt me.  The appearance of these ghastly creatures is actually a sign that spring is really here, but I will never get used to them.  For those in other parts of the world where such things do not exist, allow me to educate you on the subject of the Toronto house centipede.  It is not a cute monster like Randy up above.  It looks like this:

... only with even more legs.

I had a tarantula for ten years, so the world of arachnids holds no further terrors for me, but the centipede is not an arachnid.  It is an abomination.

What bug bugs you the most?  I will also admit to fearing roaches, silverfish, and tent caterpillars.  Unload your fear and loathing in the comments, or just tell me how your day went.  Over to you.

P.S. I got my jab Wed and am now a card-carrying member of the Sore Arm Club.  Felt a little off the next day but on the misery scale I would have given it two out of ten.  Am now hankering for my next shot, in order to get this immunity business over and done with, but will probably have to wait four months for my next shot.  

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