
Saturday, May 22, 2021

Coco Gauff, Frothy Santorum, Colin Kaepernick, Nicole Hannah Jones, Chris Cornell, TaNehisi Coates, Charles Grodin, and Paul Mooney - OT

 Two pieces of unvarnished good news:  Coco Gauff won the single-double in Parma and CNN has fired Rick Santorum (even though it took a month).


I’m celebrating that President Biden signed the first anti-hate crime legislation into law in 12 years at the same time I am painfully aware that a Congress half-full of Republicans has NEVER managed to pass a federal anti-lynching law at the same time state legislatures and state university boards of trustees controlled by those same Republicans does not want K-12 or university or graduate or professional school students to learn the truth about, as MacArthur Genius Grant winner TaNehisi Coates put it today, “the American experiment’s origins in the laboratory of slavery”.


If we had a federal anti-lynching law, the Louisiana “officers” who’re the spiritual descendants of the KKKers who dragged the Mississippi Freedom Fighters out of cars and beat and burned them for trying to help Black people register to vote in the FIRST Civil Rights Era of the 1960s, who gave conflicting commands to Ronald Greene and beat and tased him and pepper-sprayed him while he was handcuffed and begging for his life … and then lied to his family about how he died? For two years?

They’d be in jail right now.


The last time Senators Booker & Harris brought an anti-lynching bill to the Senate floor, Rand Paul voted against it for the exact same reason literal state powers have been used to silence a Peabody-, Pulitzer, and MacArthur-award winning journalist and historian because mythkeepers who stole their power (2000 “stop the count” order from SCOTUS, anyone?) and who’re propped up by a near-half-country full of literal KnowNothings didn’t want to hear what she had to say.


If it couldn’t be more clear – these people are corrupt and do not deserve to be in power.

And if you think it’s as simple as “vote them out” understand that the utter stupidity that just LOOKS ridiculous that’s going on right now in AZ TX MI GA PA was DESIGNED by these KnowNothings to stay in power but to do nothing for you – by sowing doubt in the results of free and fair elections till their followers agitate and refuse to accept the results of ANY election they do not win – in short, to destroy democracy.


“It should not surprise us  that a horde, addicted to the national myth that pitched white men as the unvarnished savior of all civilization, is NOT PRIMED to share the country that they’ve been TAUGHT they own.

It is MYTH that sanctifies their actions.


They attack our vote to prevent us from creating a better future. They attack our history to prevent us from even imagining one."

~  TaNahesi Coates, MacArthur Grant Winner and Howard University alumna


When I do notes on the weekend I sometimes sense that for some folks they feel like a jarring interruption to “their” weekends.  What I also know for sure, to paraphrase Oprah (whose brave production partner Prince Harry, who gets it and is not letting another similar Empire silence *him* in telling his truth) is that for some of the rest of us it is and has been the rolling background drumbeat to our literal lives.  Sometimes before we were even born.


I know who the people are who are living in the red part of the Baldwin quote.

I hope the rest of us who are living in the black of it (yes) are no longer wondering how we got to “we might as well be living in the last days of the Weimar Republic” and are actively organizing with our fellow citizens to organize the collective escape route where nobody else gets murdered.


To quote Charles Grodin as Murray Blum in one of my Washington  favorites ‘Dave’:


“Get out of here as fast as you can.”





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