
Monday, June 3, 2024

Monday Wittgenstein Follies OT

Last one from Existential Comics dot com, I promise. I'm likely the only one amused anyway. This one made me chuckle sensibly.

Dated a philosophy major once. It was doomed from the get go. She was Analytic and I was Continental. She made me read Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Ludwig's only published work in his lifetime. Just about made me cry. Logical Positivism ugh amirite? 

We were both anti-marriage and antinatalist at the time. Now look at us. She's married to some big brained philosophy prof and they have a son. You already know my story. I really liked her. Smart. About 4'10", red-haired and freckled. Foul temper. Mean left hook. I guess you could call her "passionate." I'll stick with "ornery." Word choice was probably why I got punched in the first place.

10AM, 6/3: Speaking of tiny people with surprising strength... Simone Biles at 4'8"... wtAf. At 27, most gymnasts have retired and jogged their victory laps almost a decade prior. Dancing with the Stars maybe. Other than her obvious talent, I admire her grit and resilience and her compassion for her teammates. Learned from the article she's married to an NFL cornerback/safety. If they stay together and decide to have a child, they will have a superbaby. Good luck baby-proofing the house.

11AM: Congratulations, Mexico. We'll see about Ms Sheinbaum. She's described as Leftist, since her party is considered such, but she has promised to keep much of Obrador's policies in place so perhaps, perhaps not. At least the US media and powers-that-be seem unthrilled by it, if not hostile. So both Canada and Mexico have elected at least one woman as their leader. Two countries the idiots here disparage on the regular are less anti-woman (and anti-science and antisemitic) than the US. Not surprising at all but still disappointing. I lean further left, but go Kamala '28, if free elections are still a thing.

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