
Monday, July 8, 2024

Monday PM in the US OT

A next door neighbor was singing along at the top of her lungs to her stereo whilst packing to move. There were two problems with this: It was one in the morning. She's a natural alto while the recording was of a Pop/New Soul singer who sounded to me like a mezzo soprano. Neighbor has a good voice, but once the songs got to the upper register, she distracted me from my reading.* 

I activated the Google sound search to at least figure out the original performer, and the assistant said, "It sounds like you're having a medical emergency. Should I call 911?" and "Sounds like your husky is distressed. Have you tried giving them some comfort?" 

Annoying to listen to, but she sang along with a lot of feeling. I was convinced she wanted her boyfriend back. But also that maybe her boyfriend was no good, and it was great to be an independent girl with lots of friends. Good for her. She was into it, and that made it nice even if it wasn't the best thing to hear.

Younger kid is at the School of the Art Institute again this week for camp. "Drawing Studio" is the program. Spouse texted this morning to say drop-off was a nightmare because NASCAR was in town. The race itself might be over but there were still some events. Looked at the NASCAR map. About a block away from the AIC, the course runs right by Symphony Center as well. That must have been shocking for some blue hairs. 

Older is getting her wisdom teeth removed tomorrow. I bought yogurt, some bananas for smoothies, will make Mac and cheese, rice with something or other the next few days.

So what are you belting soulfully, albeit quite badly, at the top of your lungs tonight?

Sorry this was late. I fell asleep typing it I was so bored of it. Song playing while I finished typing this:

A pretty different vibe from their first album. I hope they didn't get sued for this song. Sounds a bit like another Wire song. "Kidney Bingos" from A Bell Is a Cup Until it Is Struck. If you remember, they claim that "Connection" and "Line Up" were homages to Wire's early songs; "I Am the Fly" from Chairs Missing and "Three Girl Rumba" from Pink Flag respectively. Didn't stop the lawsuits tho.

* King's Ransom: an 87th Precinct Novel by Ed McBain, so nothing to really interrupt, I guess. It's the story which High and Low by Kurosawa (and Spike Lee's upcoming remake) was based upon.

ETA - OMG so sorry this is the sloppiest thing ever. I should have just stayed asleep today.

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