
Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sunday Dinner 🥧T

 It's Thanksgiving next weekend so I'm getting excited about the pie. Sometimes there's pumpkin cheesecake instead of pie. I deal with it like an adult and then make my own pie the day after. Adulting. 

I just started reading Slow Dance by Rainbow Rowell. So far it reads like a YA novel for less young adults, which I guess isn't surprising. 

After the post (Friday night a few weeks ago?) about the Newfoundland breakfast, I started looking through more Nfld recipes. I'm really intrigued by this one: It makes the whole "Bring us some figgy pudding" line in We Wish You a Merry Christmas make a little more sense. 

The Photo Gallery

 It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too.

Caturday Morning Open Thread

Hello and welcome to another weekendish whatsit.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Fur Face Friday

 Hello and welcome to the assemblage of adorableness that is Fur Face Friday! With seasonal changes peeking over the horizon, our Fur Friends were in top form last week.

Reggie, caught peeking!

In case you're new here, favourites are chosen by one of the Snout Selectors (facw, k2b, Hannibal, leahaven, and myopicprophet), entirely on our own whimsy. WHIMSY! However, in the interest of solidarity, we try to select one dog picture and one cat picture (minimum!) each week. Other pets will also, of course, be considered. We love all your rats, bunnies, ferrets, and other furry, feathery, and finny pals. WE WILL NEVER DISCRIMINATE AGAINST CUTE.

Our friends were indulging themselves in simple pleasures this week:

Lal and Ruh enjoyed their noms

Best Coast/ Codco's toad pal soaked up some sun

Bindi caught some ZZZs

Tarzan enjoyed the comforts of a well-worn snooze spot

So in the spirit of enjoying life, let's see what cuteness our pals got up to this week: go forth and Fur Face!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Thursday evening open thread


Other than shopping, I didn't do much of anything today. Anybody else do anything interesting?



It's that time of the week again, folks. Lay all your toxic feels out on the table.

Thursday Morning Open Thread!


Today back in 1941 the Maltese Falcon was released.  “You’re a good man, sister”. Okay it probably losses something when it’s not Bogart saying it.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

REAL LIFE HORROR STORIES for Real People in the Real World – OT2: Eclectic Bugaboo

Good Wednesday, grownups. At this point, it seems clear that were a zombie apocalypse to somehow occur, that news would prompt us to horde toilet paper. We are a stupid species, and I would root for the zombies, or I should say "Life-impaired Anthrophagous-Americans". Sorry, death-challenged bipedal mammals. In an apocalypse, I'm throwing you off the Village wall parapet first opportunity I get.

Miércoles OT – El Mundo de los Vampiros

Guillermo Murray is Count Sergio Subotai in The World of Vampires. Stop me if you've heard this story before: Vampires want to wipe out humanity and rule the world. "But then what will we eat?" is the question every sensible vamp should ask. But that kind of thing probably makes would-be dictators like Count Subotai mad. That's Mauricio Garcés half-heartedly fending off the hot vampire in the poster below.

The World of Vampires, dir. Alfonso Corona Blake, 1960. Apparently one alternate title was Revenge of the Vampire.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Tuesday Evening Post


Good evening. 

Caption contest time! What did the skeleton say to Vincent Price? 

Tuesday Haiku


Oh I don’t care

Where the autumn clouds

Are drifting to.

- Bufu

Toshi Yoshida

Tuesday Morning OT

 "Good" morning, and welcome to October.

 Vintage French postcard, 1913.