Good evening.
My latest foster momma. I can't handle that tiny baby face cuddling up with her.
byu/pbmax542 inaww
James "Scotty" Doohan, 1944. Landed at Normandy. Killed Nazis.
byu/13curseyoukhan inOldSchoolCool
One of the most monumental photos to me, 3 absolute legends
byu/dynhammic intwinpeaks
David Lynch’s set up
byu/haliastales indavidlynch
byu/MaintenanceExotic119 inmeirl
My dad sent me this.
byu/OutlandishnessHour19 infunny
Houses connected by tunnel
byu/living7x7 inzillowgonewild
Here are the old Zillow photos of the Andrew McNally House, an 1870s mansion which just burned down in the California fires
byu/Cold-Impression1836 inzillowgonewild
Rate my breakfast: Grilled sourdough sandwich with two eggs and sharp cheddar, a Cara Cara orange, and a mug of Earl Grey tea(not pictured).
byu/Legend_of_the_Wind inBreakfastFood
I believe egg and avocado go together. There is a lonely slice of bacon tucked in and a sprinkle of microgreens.
byu/mlong14 inSandwiches
Ultimate go-to soup
byu/Zhiiinnaaaa insoup
Homemade McGriddle
byu/Ok-Measurement3882 inSandwiches
Chicken Parm Sandwich from last night
byu/Delicious_Oil9902 inSandwiches
Strawberry pancakes with jam
byu/Appropriate-Tax3628 inBreakfastFood