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Tuesday Evening Post

  Caption the scene above.

Saturday, December 31, 2022

How Did We Get Here? - NYE 2022 OT


Caturday New Year's Eve Open Thread


Hello and welcome to the very last day of 2022 (hemispherical whatsis may apply). I suppose most of the standard buzz is to talk about hopes and resolutions and whatnot, but you can talk about whatever you want.


Thursday, December 29, 2022

Thursday evening open thread

 I saw this and thought "YES! This is me!" I haaaaaaaate card games. And board games. All those movies where there are tense scenes of people playing poker? I go to the bathroom during those.


Well, it certainly has been A Week since we last blaurghed together. I'm sure many of us have accumulated quite a few wintry icknesses to complain about, hopefully in the past tense of course.

Thursday Morning Open Thread!


Look, I’m going to need to see the tape or hear some evidence before I believe the no reason part. I’m sure somebody was asking for a smacking.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Evening OT of the Wednesday Type

Has everyone made it through Wednesday?

Welcome to Wednesday!

 The final Wednesday of 2022. Hard to believe. I hope everyone is staying warm and dry. Plans for the remaining days of the year? 

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Tues Eve OT

So whatcha waitin' for? Talk awreddy.

Tuesday Haiku


Once the winter chrysanthemums leave, There is nothing to write about
But radishes.

-Matsuo Basho

Owari Daikon by Koen Niwayama

Good morning


Howdy. It’s a Tuesday somewhere on the middle of that haze that is the time between Christmas and New Year’s.

Monday, December 26, 2022

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Sunday/Christmas evening OT

I think I'm all talked out! How about you? More holiday socializing, cozy evening at home, or still snowed in?

The Photo Gallery


It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too.

Christmas morning OT


Good morning and happy Christmas! 

Whether you celebrate or not, I hope you have a lovely and peaceful day today.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Thursday evening open thread

 I dare you not to say "Awwwwww". In a follow up video this week, he says that they've all been adopted. "Of course I'm keeping a couple". 


Heyyyyyy! It's gripe time! File any complaints (especially holiday-themed) here!

Thursday Morning Open Thread


Cold and windy out there. Also looks like the snow will be here past the the 25.  First white Christmas for awhile here locally.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Wednesday Evening And All Through The House ...

So how'd everyone's day go? All holiday decorations still intact despite pet investigations?

Wednesday Morning Open Thread


Morning, all. This is an open thread. Say hey.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Tuesday In The Evening

Hope everyone's holiday-of-choice season is going well, full of good food, cheer, and compliments on your butt. How's things going as the big day(s) approach?

Tuesday Haiku


Glittering snowflakes

The wind is shattering

The frozen moonlight.

-Horiuchi Toshimi

Drum Bridge at Meguro and Sunset Hill  -Utagawa Hiroshige 

Happy Tuesday AM OT


Good morning! ☀️ 

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Sunday Evening OT

For Balkers with a lot of snow and time on their hands, here's something to do with it. 

Some design ideas for BT village? Six Decades of Barbie Dream Homes (NYT, no paywall)

The NYT 2022 faces quiz is out. I hope the link works because it's a fun way to waste time. 2022 Quiz  
I knew all the obvious ones, but didn't do so well with the final quarter of the list. Didn't watch enough Abbott Elementary or pay attention to who runs the US treasury, I guess. 

Looking forward to the solstice and getting some of that sunlight back. Less than a week away!

The Photo Gallery

It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too.

Good morning


Morning, everyone.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Amber and John and Jon – Some of Our Favorite Hosts for This Saturday Night OT (and RIP Twitch)

Socks the Cat at the White House Press Podium, 1993

Caturday Morning Open Thread


Hello and welcome to the weekend, or something approaching it. It's Saturnalia, which comes from a big old Roman sort of Opposite Day thingy. Make of that what you will. 

Friday, December 16, 2022

Friday Evening Post

 Good evening.

It's Friday, December 16th, 2022.

Artwork by Lauren Mercer-Smail, a Canadian artist.

Fur Face Friday

Hello and welcome to Fur Face Friday! Only nine more shopping days until Xmas and last week’s fur faces let us know what they wanted to see under the tree. (Or, you know, just in their mouths.)

Harpur looks like he’s gonna put something in Bertolt’s stocking…


You're a mean one, mister sneezyface.

Friday Morning Open Thread

 Spotted in my neighborhood.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Thursday evening open thread

 For fans of Gerry Anderson's supermarionation (Thunderbirds, Stingray etc.) it's ... Superthunderstingraycar!!! (I swiped it from Boing boing)

It's pretty much perfect; the characters just lack the labionasal/marionette lines on the lower face.


Well, we gotta get our strength from somewhere. What's testing your patience this week?

Thursday Morning Open Thread


Guess it’s close enough to break out the decorations, even if it is in digital mode.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Wed Eve OT

Tis Wed Nez Day Eeeeeev. Hope everyone is doing OK. Have a sit and a chat.

Happy Wednesday!

 Getting cold here! How is this week going for y’all?

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

2sday Evening Opn Threddd

How is life going? Well, your day at least? Everyone's holiday plans solidifying, or is chaos in control?

Tuesday Haiku


See the river flow 

In a long unbroken line

On a field of snow.


It’s Tuesday Morning


Hiya. What’s going on with you today?

Monday, December 12, 2022

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Sunday evening #FFFgoals 🦄


If you want to know more about proper unicorn husbandry, the NYT reported on the reply from LA County's Animal Control.  Unicorn License- NYT Dec.9 (Gift link- no paywall)

