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Tuesday Evening Post

  Caption the scene above.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Sunday Evening ⚽️T

It's 🍁vs🦘 sometime tomorrow/ today depending on your hemisphere. Both teams need a win to be sure of going through to the knock-out rounds. Exciting stuff!  

Skip to 2:00 for Linda Caicedo's amazing goal from earlier today. Look at this kid shoot! The crowd goes wild! (She needed medical attention about 10 min after the goal, but she's ok.)

Still sick. Spent the weekend watching ⚽️. It's going to be an early night.

The Photo Gallery


It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too.

Good morning ☀️


The endless hot days of summer are flying by, one after another.

Friday, July 28, 2023

The Friday Evening Post

 Good evening.

It is Friday, July 28th, 2023. Artwork by Morris Scott Dollens.

Fur Face Friday

Hello and welcome to the safe haven of sweetness known as Fur Face Friday! Last week's comments were full of lovely faces, including some very boopable snoots:

Did you know porcupine snoots are soft like marshmallows?

Friday Morning Open Thread

 I know there are a million bee puns but I just can't.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Thursday evening open thread

 I've got mostly nothing. It's not hellaciously hot here (my feet are actually cold), but it is muggy and unpleasant, so I'm debating whether or not I should turn on the a/c just to dry things out.

Appropos of nothing; if the shoe fits ...



Got something to Blaurgh about this week? Leave it in the comments below.

Thursday Morning Open Thread

Karaoke Godzilla wishes you a happy Thursday.  

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sunday Evening OT

 Just sitting out here listening to the fog horns. How's your Sunday (or early Monday)?

The Photo Gallery


It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too.

Happy Sunday


Good morning, Backtalk.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Thursday evening open thread


Still at the cottage, unless something odd has happened, so you know what to do.


What's got yr head in a whirl today?


Thursday Morning Open Thread


It’s the 54th Anniversary of the Moon Landing!  So do something great, or eat something with blue cheese. Whatever suits you.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Chewsday Eve OT

Tuesday Haiku


The cooling breeze

Twists and turns

And then comes through here.

-Kobsyashi Issa

Kano Motonobu

404- 2s day OT


Your request for a good Tuesday has timed out. 

Please try again after a few minutes.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Sunday Evening OT

 It's been a stressful few days. Here's the photo I was going to share for FFF if I hadn't been busy at the vet. There were three little fawns in this little family, but this little guy was the only one who came close enough for a good photo.  

The Photo Gallery

 It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too.

Your Sunday Open Thread

Good morning, Balkers.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Friday Evening Post

 Good evening.

It is Friday, July 14th, 2023. Artwork is "Window Screens" by Thornton Utz, 1954.

Fur Face Friday

Hello and welcome to Fur Face Friday. Last week our little buddies were getting out (or staying in) and enjoying themselves. This week they’re a little more off in their own little corners of the world.

HoneySmacks’ Sam just can’t with anywhere but the inside of her box.


Friday Morning Open Thread


Thursday, July 13, 2023

Thursday evening open thread


'm at the cottage, so talk amongst yourselves.


Til the masses swarm the street, let us grumble here.

Thursday Morning Open Thread


In honor of Big Dumb Summer Movies I would like to remind every of the Biggest Dumbest Summer Movie just became 10 years old, Pacific Rim.  The movie Honest Trailers called "Either the Dumbest Great Movie or the Greatest Dumb Movie Ever"

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Wednesday Crepuscular Yakkity-Yak

automatic beaver escapade springs sonic rewards on even the horse-led who will not leap out into fields however hot and barely breathing as we wait for the firefliew to give us all askew a glance with a billion eyes and a single bright bleep isn't the evening a goldblue thing

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Talkday Evening Toozpost

OK, maybe not geometric enough, but somehow the colours at least make me think of Mondrian rendering a portrait of Beckett. Who of course deserves portratiture by every great painter ever. So ... Tuesday. How's everyone doing? I smoocha you all.

Tuesday Haiku


Caught in the afternoon shower.

Hiding under the leaves

The spotted sparrow.

-Yosa Buson 

Holy peaks of Chichibu at spring dawn by Yokoyama Taikan
