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Fur Face Friday

 Yesterday was the summer solstice. The Fur Face Players performed A Midsummer Night's Dream to mark the occasion. k2b's ruh  "...

Friday, June 21, 2024

Fur Face Friday

 Yesterday was the summer solstice. The Fur Face Players performed A Midsummer Night's Dream to mark the occasion.

k2b's ruh 
"Though she be but little, she is fierce."


Friday Morning Open Thread

On June 21,1939, Lou Gehrig of the NY Yankees announced his retirement from baseball. 

*Gif from the "luckiest man alive" speech which didn't happen until July 4th.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Juneteenth Evening OT – Apropos of Nothing in Particular

Congratulations to this year's grads, especially to those who marked their ceremonies with protest. Don't care what the powers that be have to say about it. It's fucking American. I asked my kids to say "Congraduations!" to their classmates as a joke. Talk about protestations! "It's not funny and I'll sound like an idiot," said the older, and younger concurred. They're not wrong. 

Antioch College, est. 1854, Yellow Springs, OH. Virginia Hamilton attended Antioch before transferring to OSU. She was born in Yellow Springs, and readers familiar with the area surrounding Antioch will recognize the town and school in The House of Dies Drear, even though they're not named in the book. Thomas Small's father teaches in one of the towers where they find one of the mysterious triangles.

Juneteenth Morning OT

A flag that Martha-Ann (who, she'll have you know, is German. German! she spat, sounding more like a mob moll than Frau Alito, née Bomgardner) won't fly today. But I will drink a toast to friendly neighborhood rabble-rouser Emily Baden, and if she were still neighbors with the Alitos, I would recommend she fly it:

Fly it anyway, Ms Baden.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday 3 Women OT – Not the Movie, But Yes, I Do Like the Movie

One Saturday morning (doesn't matter which Saturday, but it was wet and cold and not this past Saturday) whilst warming up the car, a beautiful vintage Bentley pulled up alongside me. The young woman behind the wheel gestured and mouthed "Are you leaving?" with a sorry-to-trouble-you smile. I said I was waiting for my kid but could pull forward, although she had ample space already. 

Sissy Spacek and Shelley Duvall in 3 Women, Robert Altman, 1977

Feeling Like We Need Some Favorites on Parlez Vous Monday


Monday Morning Open Thread


Hello and welcome to another week in the world.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sunday evening OT


We're having our first heat wave of the season this week. Putting on my happy face and trying not to be consumed with how much I dislike heatwaves. 

Codco Mom and Dad are arriving any moment for dinner. What are you up to BT?

The Gallery


  It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too.

Sunday & Father’s Day OT


Good morning, Balkers ☀️ 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Friday Evening Post

Good evening. 

It is Friday, June 14th, 2024. Artwork by Pintureiro.

Fur Face Friday

Welcome to Fur Face Friday! Summertime means summer sports. And last week's friends are raring to go.

It's Ginaaa's Cosmo in his fitness gear.

Friday Morning Open Thread

National Pop Goes The Weasel Day is enjoyed by many on June 14. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thursday evening open thread


Sorry I'm late! Prosecco calls! I'll be back later.




Go on then, Balkers. What have you got to squawk about?

Thursday Morning Open Thread!


Hey all, it’s almost time for the 24 Hours Of Le Mans.  One of my favorite weekends in sports. What Wimbledon is to Tennis, Le Mans is to endurance racing.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

2nd Wednesday OT: Dear Sassy Boy

Tried to read the comments to all my OT posts from January–May of this year since I'd initially just dumped them and run off to do something else. I only got through January before I gave up. I have no idea what some of those comments mean. I thought for a second Kay Okay had had a baby and was startled. Congratulations, Kay Okay, on your nephew's birth. That is indeed a very large baby. 

Wednesday Morning OT — I Want My Two Dollars

Olde girl will be housesitting the week of July 1 for a neighbor friend who has one cat and two standard poodles. She's had no experience walking and caring for dogs so she'll need some support from me, I guess. I did warn her that the breed is smarter and more athletic than most. Also dogs in general are needier than any of the neurotic boys she's dated. City dogs are downright co-dependent as compared to cats. Cats are their own kind of crazy.

Random poodle from a dead site, not either of the dogs mentioned here

Monday, June 10, 2024

Monday Open Thread : a Mouse Came to Celebrate and Brought No Gift...

... unless you consider toxoplasmosis a gift. Since Polly slept on the porch the night before, I suspected she had brought it through the propped outer door. The fearless house mouse made no effort to hide and that behavior was enough to extinguish Polly's hunting instinct. She gave it a couple desultory swipes but since it refused to act like prey, Polly curled herself inside the cat bed and I scooped the mouse up and tossed it outside.

At Least A Little Fun with Solos on this Monday-Chaotic Parlez Vous Monday


Monday Morning Open Thread

Hello and welcome to another week in the world.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sunday evening 🧭T

It's been very, very windy here this weekend. I spent the last two days learning to sail in what were definitely not beginner conditions. Needless to say, I took a swim in the lake. 

Has your weekend been smooth sailing?

Beach Boys wall of sound Sloop John B.

Weavers version, 1950.

The Gallery

  It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too.

Good morning ☀️


It’s Sunday and the start of a new week.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Friday Evening Post of The Damned

 Good evening.

It is Friday, June 7th, 2024.

Fur Face Friday


Welcome all to your favourite time of the week (it's showtime!), the alliteration that is Fur Face Friday!

In case you missed it last week, click here to check it out...

Friday Morning Open Thread

On this day in 1989, the Toronto Blue Jays hosted the first major league baseball game to be played both indoors and outdoors.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Thursday evening open thread


There was a confused and scared coyote running up and down my street around lunch time today. Probably trying to get back to the park and the rail lands at the bottom of the street, but at one point, it was heading in the wrong direction to the main drag. When it made it to the bottom of the street, the high school kids blocked the road and harassed it. I think it finally made it though.

Thursday Morning Open Thread


Today in 1930 in Springfield Massachusetts Clarence Birdseye company General Foods started selling the first retail frozen food line. So a tip of the hat from anyone who has ever not felt like cooking dinner.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wednesday Night ::: Planning the Family Road Trip

When was the last time you went on a road trip with family? Any favorite places that you can recall? Who would you take now? What places would you have liked to have gone? Disneyland? Wally World? TMI? Hot vinyl seats, no safety belts, AM radio buzzing and crackling out when out of range. Hot ashes from dad's cigarettes and the occasional flaming butt flying into my lap. Good times. *Cough* At least I had time to learn all the words to "It's a Heartache" by Bonnie Tyler and Eddie Rabbitt's "I Love a Rainy Night". I may be misremembering, but there seems to have been a lot of Bread and Jim Croce on AM radio back then.
And everybody say, "Is he all right?" And everybody say, "What's he like?"And everybody say, "He sure looks funny." That's Reddy Kilowatt, honey!

Wednesday Mourn OT

How's the despair?

 Lee Ji-eun (IU), Broker, Hirokazu Kore-eda, 2022

Monday, June 3, 2024

Monday Wittgenstein Follies OT

Last one from Existential Comics dot com, I promise. I'm likely the only one amused anyway. This one made me chuckle sensibly.

Dated a philosophy major once. It was doomed from the get go. She was Analytic and I was Continental. She made me read Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Ludwig's only published work in his lifetime. Just about made me cry. Logical Positivism ugh amirite? 

We were both anti-marriage and antinatalist at the time. Now look at us. She's married to some big brained philosophy prof and they have a son. You already know my story. I really liked her. Smart. About 4'10", red-haired and freckled. Foul temper. Mean left hook. I guess you could call her "passionate." I'll stick with "ornery." Word choice was probably why I got punched in the first place.

10AM, 6/3: Speaking of tiny people with surprising strength... Simone Biles at 4'8"... wtAf. At 27, most gymnasts have retired and jogged their victory laps almost a decade prior. Dancing with the Stars maybe. Other than her obvious talent, I admire her grit and resilience and her compassion for her teammates. Learned from the article she's married to an NFL cornerback/safety. If they stay together and decide to have a child, they will have a superbaby. Good luck baby-proofing the house.

11AM: Congratulations, Mexico. We'll see about Ms Sheinbaum. She's described as Leftist, since her party is considered such, but she has promised to keep much of Obrador's policies in place so perhaps, perhaps not. At least the US media and powers-that-be seem unthrilled by it, if not hostile. So both Canada and Mexico have elected at least one woman as their leader. Two countries the idiots here disparage on the regular are less anti-woman (and anti-science and antisemitic) than the US. Not surprising at all but still disappointing. I lean further left, but go Kamala '28, if free elections are still a thing.

Hard Out Here (C'est Dur) on Parlez Vous Monday


Monday Morning Open Thread

Hello and welcome to another week and month in the world.
