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Thursday, November 14, 2019

First Thursday Open Thread in BackTalkVillage!

Hello, Balkers!
I figured I'd kick off making our first official Thursday Edition Open Thread.
How's everyone doing today? Is Kinja still alive & kicking?


  1. I've told everyone they should come over and say hi, since you can't comment on kinja.

    My phone went haywire today, aside from my computer giving me dns server errors. It seemed to go back to factory setting mode, and would occasionally make high pitched shrieking noises at me (not amber alerts). I had trouble even powering off, but once I did, it seemed to be okay. So all my tech has been weird.

    But, it did give me more time to practice watercolours, and I'm really pleased with the results from the first exercise I did from this one instructional book "The watercolour enigma" by Stephen Coulson. I highly, highly recommend it.

  2. Hi CLV. I'm wondering how many other BTers got Kinja'd like you and just gave up completely. Hopefully they at least know about the alternatives so they can decide if they like either.

  3. I was starting to get dns server errors every few minutes last night, dunno why. My router/modem was still connected to the internet, and my computer was still connected to the modem/router. Seems okay this morning, but my computer is nearly 11 years old, so maybe it's "computer alzheimer's".

  4. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2f5df93732f3c1d2efd9588edd364bf0e3cc8fd8b1b219cb3f4402607b4ab956.gif

  5. We just need to relocate here or somewhere. Because life is confusing enough without three backtalks.

  6. Aw that was sweet of you.

    I hate it when my phone just suddenly starts malfunctioning like that. It's so frustrating because everything is now on our phones. Leave it at home one day and see how helpless you feel.

    I love watercolours. Someday I'd like to learn them like you're doing, just as relaxation and meditative practice.

  7. Hi there! It was very frustrating because it started weeks before all this kinjacalypse stuff happened. I can see main posts, but no comments and no logging in. At least now we've got these other temp places to hang out in. :)

  8. https://media3.giphy.com/media/WO7emog7T8sxhmhRO9/giphy.gif

  9. Yes and also I miss you guys! It's lonely out here sometimes

  10. As I only quote the best, I cut-n-paste myself:
    'My abject apologies, gang, for no Blaurgh!Talk - seems Kinja decided 12pm (noon) was meant to be 11.59pm (1 minute before midnight). That’s a new weirdness, even for Kinja. It shall appear tomorrow.'

    Perhaps I should post Blaurgh!Talk(s) here as well? Is poor CLV the only Balker seemingly completely locked out over ... there [shudder]?

    Sydney is surrounded by bushfires (well, not in the Tasman Sea, but the way climate catastrophe is going, one can only add '... yet'). The air smells like someone nearby has a fireplace going and the skyline has vanished from my house's view. For 80,000 years Indigenous humans managed this continent quite well (some megafauna aside). Give Europeans a bit over 200 years and the whole place is fooked.

  11. Didn't some BTers move over to Twitter and deKinja? Maybe some sort of message about our colony over here might lure them back.

  12. And this is one reason why I still have a landline! That and the fact that I can talk for hours on the phone, and cell phones have crappy quality; I was able to call a colleague at work, who emailed a friend of hers in Alberta, who works on an IT help desk somewhere. So she was able to relay some advice over my landline which seemed to be helpful.

  13. Yes there's a lot of people there. It took a while but I did find my old twitter password. Don't know what deKinja is tho. Gotta say, nothing quite feels as comfy as our old Kinja home, but I know it's a matter of getting used to where ever we go.

  14. I've seen some footage of those fires. It's so tragic. The entire globe it seems is literally starting to fall apart...

  15. Ah that's good that you had a means to fix things. I let my landline go about 5 years ago. Only telemarketers ever called me on it

  16. I get some of those, but my number is unlisted, so it's generally something like a charity I already donate to ("Please give us more money!"), or a service provider I already use ("We can offer you more services!"). I talk a good deal on the phone, and cell phone quality just doesn't cut it for me.

  17. Oh, I just meant 'de-Kinja'd as in left Kinja and lost contact. Sorry, Bertoltese can be a difficult language to make out sometimes.

  18. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I get it now that you're pointing it out to me lol. Sometimes my skull can be really thick. Not confusing Bertoltese, just a case of C'estLaDumb 🙃

  19. Oh, yay -- I am here (and hoping for no DNS errors). It's Rooo "by any other name"

  20. Has your computer person already raised some yakk warning you to get your **** together because they're going to stop supporting Windows 7 by the end of the year? Mine has

  21. Leave it at home one day and see how helpless you feel.

    That's ... anxiety-inducing

  22. Yes, but I did get a windows update last week, so they are still doing stuff. It seems to be around the same time every day, as near as I can figure; around 2:00 p.m to 245.

  23. Hiya Roo! https://media1.giphy.com/media/weVqWlrdVX3eU/giphy.gif

  24. I'm sorry it takes so long for me to get where I should be

    I try to bring the party when I get to the place


  25. It Caturday


  26. https://prodeoetpatria.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/m-movie-poster-4.jpg

  27. Hey no worries! The only reason I'm here so soon is because Kinja cast me out of its realm, otherwise I'm usually very slow to adapt https://media1.giphy.com/media/l3vR3FaH4adpUG9eE/giphy.gif

