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  Happy Friday.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Fur Face Friday cloned

 Cloned from k2b's kinja post:

Well, friends, it’s looking like it’s the end of the road for Kinja. But is it the end for Fur Face Friday? I… sincerely don’t know. I wish I could say. What I can say is with all the chaos and stress of the world as it is, the barrage of healing cuteness has made my week more than enough times to be worth the effort to keep it running up to now.

There are options: Backtalk Village on blogspot (which is currently looking the most viable for our cute-sharing needs) and Deadsplinter are taking Kinja refugees. Some reddits, some discords… it’s all pretty confusing right now. Me, I’d like to see FFF keep going, but there is some organizing to do. Anyone with alternative notions, or who would like to volunteer to share the load, feel free to say so in the comments.

In case you’re new (in which case, welcome!): Favorites are chosen by one of the Snout Selectors (KrabbyPaddy, facw, Chuckles, k2b, Hannibal, Iroqdemic, and Leahaven), entirely on our own whimsy. WHIMSY. And...

Hey, look, you all know the drill. Last week we posted critters. This week we pick dogs and cats and butterflies and rats and whatever suits that whimsy we just made all that noise about. Then you post your beloved floofs and fins and feathers from your house or your neighborhood or your wonderful local shelter or just throw some cute from the internet out there. And maybe one day soon, we’ll do it all again. For the moment, let’s have these sweet faces help us bid farewell to the Kinjaverse.

farscythe’s Candy has definite opinions about the matter. And all the other matters.

Illustration for article titled Fur Face Friday (Dammit Kinja Edition)
Photo: it’s my platform and I’ll cry if I want to!

Tom.Cruise.Is.Weird’s QuiQue really doesn’t want to go!

Illustration for article titled Fur Face Friday (Dammit Kinja Edition)
Photo: haaaaaaallllllppp I’m sinkiiiiinnnggg!!!

It’s Ginaaa’s Cosmo wants to share one last… er, drink with us.

Illustration for article titled Fur Face Friday (Dammit Kinja Edition)
Photo: Sláinte, my friend.

Bertolt’s Harpur is very displeased with G/O Media.

Illustration for article titled Fur Face Friday (Dammit Kinja Edition)
Photo: someone is gonna find poop in their shoes for this one.

JustSmileandNod’s Mochi is just appalled. Appalled, I say!

Illustration for article titled Fur Face Friday (Dammit Kinja Edition)
Photo: ...and I got all dressed up for you jerks!

Dr. Zoidberg’s Luna is gazing to the next horizon.

Illustration for article titled Fur Face Friday (Dammit Kinja Edition)
Photo: We’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when.

And CarsofFortLangley’s Targa is just gonna doze off into the sunset, while the Puffalumps try to help us rig up another option.

Illustration for article titled Fur Face Friday (Dammit Kinja Edition)
Photo: Let the light of floofness guide you always.
Illustration for article titled Fur Face Friday (Dammit Kinja Edition)
Photo: Almost... got it...

Poor_Sh’s Aston is gonna sleep on it.

Illustration for article titled Fur Face Friday (Dammit Kinja Edition)
Photo: Big dreams, little buddy. *boop*

Much love to all the shelter cats Krispy Porkchops has shared. Watching the magic of their stories has been a true joy. Fare thee well, lovebug buddies Max and Leo! May you find the best kind of forever home together!

Illustration for article titled Fur Face Friday (Dammit Kinja Edition)
Photo: Love is what it’s all about.

I hope we get a chance to do this some more. But either way let’s make this last blast of Kinja count, and you know how.

SHOW US YOUR FUR FACES!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
