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Tuesday Evening Post

  It’s only Tuesday and Emelda just can’t even anymore…

Saturday, November 28, 2020

How is your Aura today?

Simply glowing I hope? It's International Aura Awareness Day. Also National French Toast Day and Red Planet Day. Mix a drink and settle down

Here is a jolly model for you, courtesy of Tiger Tim.  

For your entertainment, we have Kate Beckinsale playing with her pussy. 

Somebody buy Kate a ferret!

Do you suppose Kate is trying to tell her friend something?

Cats and cooking.

Move aside K-9! The robo-cats are taking over.

Take a bow, Bean the Cat.

The Mystery of the Monolith.

Do you call a wotsit a you-know what? And what do you do if you don't have a word for a dinosaur? This Admiral would have invented one. OMG!

Anyone in the mood for romance?

The day the music died?

While I was living in Spacesick Central (the home of Welsh Hip-Hop and on the edge of Snowdonia) there was a chap with a pack of huskies who would harness the dogs to a little chariot and take them for a run round the hills. 

No sled dog school for Snowdonia it seems.

A bottle of Snowdonia air? This is a recurring story. Do they do the cattle market at Bryncir, I wonder?

The "Holy Grail" of rail.

Google Doodle for Frank Bailey.

Peter Cushing nearly reprised his role of Doctor Who.

Who voiced Teller in
Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? According to the end of show credits it was Teller. Sqrl gets the points. Hang on to them, there is no telling what they might amount to.

For this week's points, what was the name of the organisation Ayshea belonged to when she was fighting off alien invaders? Looking damned slinky as she did it.

Hailing frequencies open.

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