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Massive Storms Unleash Radiation Belts – Saturday Night OT


Friday, November 13, 2020

Saturday Stuff


I’ve wanted to use this image for a while, never seemed the right moment. Still doesn’t, but hey. Points if you can name the artist? Points if you can name the character? Points if you can name her dog? Did she have a cat?

Gif: Blue Peter

Something I stumbled upon the other day. Colin Baker, dressed as the Sixth Doctor, with one of the Blue Peter cats. I believe it is either Jack or Jill. Blue Peter had a succession of pets, starting with a dog called Petra, and some such as Shep, were celebrities in their own right. Apart from K-9 and Adric, they have never gone for pets in Doctor Who, but Colin baker’s version of the Time Lord wore a cat badge which prompted some sub-Douglas Adams malarkey in a book or two. Then in the original Human Nature novel, Joan Redfern gives the Seventh Doctor a cat called Wolsey who wanders round the TARDIS in various stories before going off with Bernice Summerfield (who depending on who you talk to is either comic artist Lee Sullivan’s wife or Emma Thompson. Nurse Lemon left a deep impression on some folk).

Steve McQueen's Small Axe hits the airwaves tomorrow.


Haven’t visited Kymin House, but I have walked up and down Nelson’s staircase.

This is kind of scary.

Now this is a pilgrimage that needs some progress.

Generally, our covid rates are low, but the cases we have are radioactive. I’m hoping those concerned have a speedy recovery.

I’ve yet to see an episode, but bits seem to feed through on YouTube.

Do we have an end in sight yet? Has Donald invited Vladimir to send a peacekeeping force to keep you all in order?

A word of caution for the future.

You can keep the chicken though.

Bring your own cats, bats, hats and snacks.

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