Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas Morning Open Thread

However you choose to celebrate the holiday this year - even if it's choosing not to celebrate -  I bring unto you good tidings of great joy. Even if that great joy is just making it through another day mostly okay. That's a lot these day. 

I'm planning to spend a few hours at my mother's - masked and at a distance. She's doing another takeaway holiday dinner. Then maybe watch Wonder Woman if I get around to signing up for HBO Max now that they cut a deal with Roku. 

ETA: Because we've gotten a spammer for Christmas, I locked down the commenting so it puts comments with links in Pending. I think I've gotten most of us on a trusted listed that automatically approves their comments but as we're using free disqus we have limited controls and support so I'm muddling through the best way to cut down on the spam. My bigger concern is this will cause issues with FFF so I'll try to keep an eye on things. 

ETA2: Did someone turn on the new featured comment feature? It wasn't me. At least not intentionally. 

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