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Caturday Morning Open Thread

Hello and welcome to another weekendish thing.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Poxing Day Special Open Thread


Made it to Boxing Day. Hope you had a suitably socially distanced seasonal celebration and didn't give anything unexpected or unwanted. 

Why is it called Boxing Day?

Anyone going open swimming? The big Boxing Day dips have been cancelled, but some hardy souls are still going for outdoor swims today. 

On this day in1606, the first performance of William Shakespeare's King Lear was given to the court of James 1st (or 3rd if you prefer) in Whitehall. 

Last Saturday, ahead of Cathode Ray Tube Day,  I asked the identity of Ray Cathode. The Time Beat single was an early hit for Fifth Beatle George Martin. On this day in 1967, Auntie Beeb broadcast a tv movie from the Mop Tops, Magical Mystery Tour. It had a mixed reception. During the recording of I Am The Walrus, Martin fed in random radio broadcasts, just tuning across the dial. You will hear Kenny Everett and a bit of King Lear in the mix.     

Any good plans for leftovers?

Mail order pioneer.

There is a little Doctor Who treat over on Observation Deck.

And in Russia, the Honorary Deputy  Environment Minister is a cat.  

Demon Chester finds a home in time for Christmas.

Catfluencers are doing Christmas wreaths.

Nattering stations activated.

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