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Friday Evening Post

 Good evening.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Sunday Evening Ot

 Here we are at the end of the holiday weekend and the last Sunday of 2020. 

We're back in lockdown here, and to kick it off, a couple people have tested positive for the new strain of Covid. No one knows where they got it, so it's being transmitted in the community already. Yay.

If you couldn't see the planetary conjunction last week, fear not. It'll be visible for weeks yet, although Saturn and Jupiter won't be quite as close (according to my dad, who is usually well-informed on sciency things.) It's been overcast here for a while, but maybe the skies will clear next week, and I'll get a peek at them.


Anyone have projects on the go? I finished this sampler today and learned some new stitches. Never got around to making a gingerbread house, but it's probably for the best, since I would've ended up eating the whole thing by myself. That probably wouldn't end well.

I finished watching Case Histories series 2, and was left feeling dissatisfied. It was a good ending, but I wanted things to work out better for a few of the characters. Now they're stranded with no third series anywhere on the horizon. I've started re-watching Prime Suspect while I decide what to watch next. Any recommendations for British detective shows?

How are you spending the last few days of 2020?
