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Caturday Morning Open Thread

Hello and welcome to another weekendish thing.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Take Six Says It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year and I’d LIKE To Believe Them - Solstice Caturday OT


There is a solstice in two days.  It’s supposed to coincide with planetary movement that hasn’t happened since the Renaissance.

It better be good.


We will get to the good news, knowledgeable people, fun people, and nice holidaze songs in the Disqus comments but there are a few things it feels necessary to cover first

In case anybody was wondering still, who's responsible for the holdup on COVID-19 relief just days before both Christmas and before the protection expires, it is nobody but Republicans.

Specifically, Toomey - who is NOT RUNNING AGAIN -- wanting the Federal Reserve to relinquish its control over small business loans after this travesty of a Maladministration is fumigated out of the People's House so that Republicans can steal all that money, and McConnell of course backing him up (while the Orange tries to plot some sort of ... martial law takeover of voting machines in four states from inside the actual White House.

Don't let anyone tell you anything other than that.

They are the worst.


“What are the odds if left in office that he will continue trying to cheat? I will tell you: 100%. Not 5, not 10, not 50, but 100%. If you have found him guilty and you do not remove him from office, he will continue trying to cheat in the election until he succeeds.”

-- Adam Schiff, Trump's impeachment

 IMPEACH HIM AGAIN.  And prosecute the complicit Repugnicons.  The only debate at this point should be depraved indifference homicide or murder.

Stay trying to clear up the confusion from the Liar's Rhetoric but lighten the mood at the same time ... which is a trick some have mastered but I haven't yet.  Will keep trying.

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