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  I have nothing on my docket today, which I'm pleased about since it's supposed to rain all day. It's a nice feeling being stoc...

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Lyndon Johnson & *His* Rolex: Representation in Fashion Instead of Systemic White Supremacist Exclusion from Opportunity

From “zero to Dijon mustard and tan suits” in the mainstream press literally only took three days

I empathize with anybody who’s had whiplash trying to absorb and maintain joy from the brilliance of Youth Poet Laureate (at 16!) Amanda Gorman and the stunning representative fashion we saw not even four days ago


at the same time we have to worry about cancelled appointments because of vaccine shortages (anybody who has evidence that Jared Kushner sold the missing doses on the black market and cut Azar in so he wouldn’t talk, please move to the front with all due speed) and whether or not either Biden’s TOTALLY CORRUPT Predecessor OR the white nationalist domestic terrorists are going to face ANY consequences … while peaceful protestors from both George Floyd’s murder and FERGUSON still languish in jail.

The nation has a choice.

 Despite some gentle exhortations, I was reluctant to do a whole fashion post because so many who arguably do it better & also have mainstream visibility already did it (I haven’t seen Robyn Givhan weigh in yet, so if anybody has a piece from her, please post!).


But there will be highlights.


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