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Wednesday morning open thread

  I have nothing planned for today; I'm stocked up on groceries and pet food, so no reason to go out. I do have to drag my ladder up fro...

Monday, January 11, 2021

Monday Evening Open Thread

 Porch pirate arrested after getaway car becomes stuck in snow bank (blogto.com)

Good evening, my Balkers.  I had a nice thread all drawn up and the computer appears to have eaten it, so this is my second kick at the can for tonight. If by some chance the thread appears, disregard this one.  I'm having a bad time with technology today.

I had to leave the house yesterday - a rare event in itself these days - and got all the way to the bus stop before I realized I was not wearing a mask, which meant I had to rummage in my purse for one of my spares.  I shouldn't have even left Casa Finch without my mask, and I'm just glad that none of my neighbours caught me in the hall with my bareface hanging out.  I blame pandemic fatigue.  So, on that note, what part of our locked-down lifestyle are you most sick of right now?  Is it wearing a mask?  Is it restricted access to stores and restaurants?  Is it the cabin fever?  I know Balkers are all responsible people and that they are doing the right thing, but that doesn't preclude us from some old-fashioned complaining.  So let off some steam in the comments.  Myself, I'm OK with the mask (I was horrified to discover that I'd gone out without one) but the cabin fever is beginning to get to me.  And it looks like the province will be locking down even tighter, so there's nothing to do but hunker down.  I'm hunkered already.  But I'm getting awfully tired of it.

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