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Monday, January 18, 2021

Monday Evening Open Thread

It's Blue Monday!

Actually, it's Blue Monday Evening.  How was your Blue Monday?  Was it really blue?  Or was it just another Monday?  It seems unfair to Dr King that he has to share his day with a day described as the most depressing one on the calendar.  

Me, I will be celebrating a Blue Friday as I have a birthday coming up and it is one that is giving me trouble.  Last year was a milestone birthday of sorts, and this year is ... I'll put it this way: last year's birthday was the top of the hill, and this year's birthday puts me over the hill IMHO.  We can't even celebrate properly because of the pandemic, so it will probably just be me and Ma Finch sending for pizza.  She offered to make me the dinner of my choice but I don't want her going shopping for ingredients, so I said we'll do something later in the year, when with any luck things will be safer.  But it made me think: what was a really good year?  I remember the year I turned 22 was a really good year. I quit smoking and I went to England and I made new friends and just had a whale of a time that year. The year I turned 40 was the year I went to Malta, and the year I turned 50 was the year I went to Costa Rica, so those were also good years.  But the year I turned 30 was the worst: that was the year I survived knee surgery, the near-amputation of a finger, severe food poisoning and a house fire.  BEWARE THE IDES OF 30.

What was your best year so far?  What made it great?

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