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Monday Evening OT


Sunday, January 10, 2021

Sunday Evening OT

Welcome to Sunday evening! Come procrastinate with me on youtube!

I should really be working on the stuff I need to have done for work before work begins tomorrow. Anyone have anything that works for them when they're caught in a spiral of procrastination? 

While I've doing everything except the stuff I need to do, I did some reading. I guess I'll start being more diligent about taking vitamin D:

Also a lot of Yale law students and alumni have signed a petition calling for Cruz and Hawley to be disbarred.  Washington Post- Law school alumni and students push disbarment of Sens. Hawley & Cruz

In all the reporting on right-wing trumpist violence, there hasn't been much space to talk about the other shitty things happening in the last days of the presidential term. This admin has been rushing to execute as many federal inmates as possible before January 20. Trump admin executes more Americans than all states combined Three more are coming up this week. I'm against the death penalty for a variety of reasons. Like many sentences, it's unequally applied. Racism, sexism and being able to afford a good defense affect the likelihood a person will end up on death row more than what they actually did.

The first execution this week is a woman who committed a horrific murder, but who probably would've had a life sentence instead, had her original defense lawyer been a) competent and b) less sexiest. She also has brain damage and severe mental illness from the extreme physical and sexual abuse she was subjected to, first from her parents and then her first husband. The next execution is a man who was convicted of murder, but didn't actually kill anyone himself. The man who did commit the murders, and the other men involved, are serving life sentences. 

Here's some links to Guardian articles on the subject. The articles about Lisa Montgomery come with trigger warnings for childhood and domestic abuse.  Dustin Higgs    Lisa Montgomery- NY Times     Lisa M.- The Guardian   These groups have organized to have their death sentences commuted: Cornell Law School's Save Lisa project   http://www.savedustinjhiggs.com/    Petition for Cory Johnson

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