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Friday, February 26, 2021

Fur Face Friday!

 Hey all and welcome to the last Fur Face Friday of February (this year)! I have so many pics of good dogs playing in the snow to share with you today. I realize this is totally unfair to the cats (who bizarrely don't want to unleash their inner Siberian Tiger), but I'll try to squeeze some of them in too!

First up from last week, did you know that snow Corgis were a thing? Ysubassoon's friend Darwin does!

In case you're new here, favorites are chosen by one of the Snout Selectors (facw, k2b, Hannibal, leahaven, Iroqdemic and myopicprophet), entirely on our own whimsy. WHIMSY! However, in the interest of solidarity, we try to select one dog picture and one cat picture (minimum!) each week. Other pets will also, of course, be considered. We love all your rats, bunnies, ferrets, and other furry, feathery, and finny pals. WE WILL NEVER DISCRIMINATE AGAINST CUTE.

Moving on Kiltedpadre's puppers (I believe this is Cornbread) don't see the snow as any reason to slow down:

Fanny is less convinced that Hannibal was right to go outside:

Here's one of those cats! Adonis implored iroqdemic to let him out in the white stuff:

Meanwhile Al's Ruby got he first snow experience and loved it:

Here's farsythe's Candy. They did actually recently have a bit of winter in The Netherlands, but it looks like preferred to stay in:

In the k2b household, "people" weren't super excited about winter weather either:

That's it for last week! Now for the best part, It's time to show us your Fur Faces!
