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Monday Morning Open Thread

  Y'allllll, it is the last week of February and I am full of nope.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Monday Evening Open Thread

 Having finally and successfully disposed of the moth factory in my dining room, my domestic paralysis has returned.  I need to do so many things and I lack the energy to do any of them.  The laundry, the dishes in the dishwasher, the dripping bathroom tap that is going to require a call to a plumber: I am defeated by them all.  I have to work Wed and I have to drop my taxes off this week, and I can only just cope with putting on clothes right now.  (If I didn't have to retrieve my daily newspaper from the building lobby, I wouldn't be getting dressed at all.)  And the news has just informed me that my province has entered the third wave of COVID-19.

I scoured the news for something uplifting, but all I could come up with was this guy in Prince Edward Island who has opened a meadery in a gas station convenience store.

How a Viking-themed meadery opened in a rural P.E.I. gas station during a pandemic | CBC News

You know what to do, Balkers.  Let me know what's bothering you in the comments.

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