Happy Thursday to everyone! It's going to be my Friday so I'm actually feeling pretty good about this one.
Today in history.
- 1634: Lord Baltimore founds Maryland as a Catholic colony.
- 1655: Puritans win a military victory in the colony of Maryland over Catholic forces and imprison Governor Stone
- 1776: The Continental Congress gives a medal to General George Washington.
- 1942: Aretha Franklin is born
- 1954: RCA starts manufacturing it's first color TV sets
- 1965: Martin Luther King Jr leads a protest to the state capital in Montgomery, Ala. 25,000 people are in the march.
- 1969: John Lennon and Yoko Ono stage their bed-in for peace.
- 1970: The Concorde makes it's first supersonic flight.
So how's the weather in your neck of the woods? Want to complain about work? Want to complain about something else? Want to brag? Just feel like checking in? Fire below.