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Thursday evening post

  Almost forgot! (does the image come through for everybody?)

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Sunday Evening OT


This is my plan for lawn care this year. 

It's pretty dire here in terms of Covid. The rest of Canada is organizing medical volunteers to bail us out. The summer looks like a wash. I'm wishing I had trusted my gut, applied for a leave of absence starting in September and planned to take a "gap year" at home on the east coast.

If you're in my neck of woods, please consider calling, emailing or sending a post card to our dear leader to ask for paid sick days for all, vaccines for workers in actual hot spots (not ministers' ridings) and looking ahead, proper ventilation for schools. Or just that he follow the science and stop f@#%ing up. I'll get off my soapbox now.

To keep my mind off things, and to get through another lockdown spring, I signed up for a creative writing class. It's focused on short stories. Should be fun. I hope.

What's everyone reading and watching? I just re-read Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. If you love YA, or were ever into fanfic, I recommend it!

Discuss below. 🙂

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