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Tuesday Evening Post

  Caption the scene above.

Monday, May 31, 2021

There has to be an invisible sun




This mess we're in


Late Monday Evening


That was my Memorial Day dinner. Dessert? Maybe banana cream pie. Or maybe no dessert. Haven't decided yet.

Carry on below, if it's not too late.

It is 8:19 PM in Orlando, Florida. The sun is setting on Walt Disney World and The Magic Kingdom


Baby, remember my name...


Another week, another round of exchanging all of our different viewpoints on another topic.

Mopey Monday


Dunno about Sunday Sloth, but I'm having a mopey Monday. Nice and sunny out but I conked out on the sofa until gone two. Lately I've been dipping into the odd episode of Tarzan: The Epic Adventures with Joe Lara. The news is reporting him as presumed dead, after a plane crash

What's new with you? 

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Sunday Evening Sloth

 Today I did absolutely nothing except mess around on Twitter and Press Reader. 

Sloths: How did two different animals end up looking so similar *spoiler: convergent evolution*

Noami Osaka is having a showdown with establishment tennis. She made $55 million on prizes last year, so I feel they need her more than she needs them.

Meanwhile in Canada...

Flags will fly at half mast this week at schools and government buildings across Canada as part of the memorial. Reconciliation is such a long way off.

It looks like Israel is going to have an interesting parliamentary coalition, but maybe a prime minister facing less time in court.

For those of you with a holiday tomorrow, enjoy your day! I hope you've got great plans and good weather.🌈🌞

The Photo Gallery

   It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too.

Sunday Morning Open Thread

 Anything exciting planned for today?

Saturday, May 29, 2021


Got a curse I cannot lift


The House Is On Fire: Cause & Effect 101 and OT


People who would prefer not to have Gaetz & Crenshaw in charge – I won’t quote them, because I don’t believe in spreading propaganda deliberately designed to incite violence -  need to listen to Maya Contreras & Elie Mystal

The people – the creatures- who’d have American citizens mostly in poverty and under tyranny, beholden to their patronage for sufferance, are the same ones who do NOT want us to connect the dots. 

That’s a well-known fascist’s trick – for anybody who’s bothered to venture beyond their own state lines or curious enough to go to a library and ask actual questions about things that happen in other peoples’ lives.

None of that ^^  is what I thought I was going to write the day before Roland Garros starts with Naomi Osaka making a statement with her declared absence from ridiculous, repetitive press conferences (willing to be fined for it, and rich enough to afford it) that most of her White colleagues are either not sufficiently well-versed in history or just suffused with DoNotWannaKnow –ness have shown in their remarks that they were all too willing to let her point fly right through their heads …

… but the crazy thing is it’s really pretty much all the exact same point

1) The #TulsaMassacre happened in Lessie’s life. An aspect of Critical Race Theory is discussing resource disparity (White men hegemony over most resources in the US). When Black people create resources for ourselves many in power have historically tried to take them away.

 2) Voting Rights is an example of that. They’re a way for us to access power, to access representatives that work w/us, & to access resources. This is why Republicans are trying to block our path to the ballot box, they want to control power and resources.

3) The GOP are trying to block #CriticalRaceTheory and #1619Project because when the public begins to analyze racial disparities and connect it how law and policy operate in the United States then people understand accountability is needed. Republicans want nothing to do w/that.

4) I admire what James Talarico did here, but American history has been whitewashed since it’s violent inception.  As I told @PepePierce, while I learned about The Trail of Tears and Slavery in 6th grade, you’d think that’s was the beginning and end of Native and Black History.

5) I didn’t learn about Rosewood (1923) or the Tulsa massacre (1921) until I was in college. That wasn’t in class, it’s when accidentally stumbled upon a book about Black run newspapers in America. I didn’t learn about Seneca Village until I move to NYC.

6) We need to continue to fight for a complete History of this Country; to support projects that tell and add to community histories of LGBTQ, Black, Latinx, Native, AAPI, Disability, Jewish, Muslim, etc and how each overlaps & intersects. To see the full complexity of US. 

7) Our stories are important. They’re worth telling. They’re worth preserving. They’re worth archiving. Remember that. Be an archiver of your family stories, your community stories. It’s so important. If we don’t tell our stories somebody else will & they have been for centuries. 

from this thread




Jazz it up for the End of the Middle Ages Saturday

Today in 1903, Leslie Townes Hope was born in Craigton Road, Eltham, which would have still counted as Kent but now firmly identifies as South East London. He was the son of a stonemason, Bill Hope (known as Bob), and Avis Townes, a Welsh lass who might have been a music hall singer. 

Friday, May 28, 2021

Friday Evening Post

 Good evening.

This is very pleasing to the eye and mind:

Looking forward to the (long for some) weekend? What's for dinner?

Fur Face Friday!

Hey all, we've made it to a holiday weekend (at least for those of us in the US), and the unofficial start of summer, and I can think of no better way to kick it off then with Fur Faces! We've got a special treat today, as last week's post brought us furry (and not so furry) faces from all around the animal kingdom. Let's take a look!

Starting off normally, Kiltedpadre submitted Fur Face Friday regular Cornbread:

Friday Morning Open Thread


Thursday, May 27, 2021

Thursday evening open thread

 These have been coming up in my youtube feed lately; cats and dogs that are participating in a study at UC San Diego;




Our weekly fusspot session is hereby open. I already have blaurgh, in that I thought I'd prepared and shhhheduled one, but it apparently didn't go through or I just hit a wrong button or something. On the good side, it was prepped after a bit of wine and I had a bit of a whinging socio-political rant, if I recall correctlyhazily. So there's that. Anyway, whatsamattayew disaweek? All complaints welcome below.

Thursday Morning Open Thread!


Good Morning! I Spent some time checking out Minor League Baseball Team names yesterday, because the internet is really good for random tangents. Did you know that El Paso has a Triple A baseball team named the Chihuahua's? 

It's 9:16 PM in Tibet. The sun is setting.


It's 5:19 AM in Seattle. The sun is rising.


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Evesday Tues Threvning

Blah blah blah Tuesday evening. How is everyone?

It's 8:06 PM. The sun is setting in the Everglades, Florida.


Tuesday Haiku


Glimpsed on this high mountain trail,

Delighting my heart-

Wild violets.

-Matsuo Bashō

Let's play Twister, let's play Risk. I'll see you in Heaven if you make the list.

                                           Here's a truck stop instead of Saint Peter's

Tuesday am OT


Good morning, all.  Que será, será.

Man of the People

And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes, I'll see you on the dark side of the moon. 

"Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd - Live at Pompeii - October, 1971

It's 6:33 AM in Houston, Texas. The sun is rising.


Sunday, May 23, 2021

The Photo Gallery (late night edition)



 It’s your weekly Photo Gallery! Come on in, take a look at what people have been up to over the past week and share some of your own photos.

They don’t need to be taken with a fancy camera or works of art. Share any SFW photos you’ve taken with even the poorest of potatoes. Of course we love to see that arty stuff too.

Sunday Evening OT

 It's the first long weekend of unofficial summer in the great white north. I think all my furry neighbours must be bbqing at home, because none of them have dropped by. Maybe bunny is unhappy the dnandelion smorgasbord is mostly gone. 

Usually peopl have bbqs this weekend, and fire works and whatnot, but we're not quite ready for gatherings yet. But to get ready for summer in the northern hemisphere, and for those who missed it earlier, here is a fabulous history of important fried food milestones. I can almost imagine I'm at a food truck at a street festival.


I was trying to find a picture of a beaver bbqing for this post, but instead got a whole lot of photos of people bbqing beaver tails. Actual literal tails from beavers. While I don't like to yuck anyone's yum, I have to draw the line here. These are the only beaver tail edibles I will endorse.

In other (horrifying?) food, this is something called a red licorice poutine and I just don't know what to do. Yay, nay? 

How's it going?
