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Fur Face Friday!

 Hey all, another week has gone by and that can only mean it is time for Fur Faces! Last week we had a bevy of good Fur Faces, so let's...

Saturday, May 15, 2021

The Honor System the CDC Is Relying On Is In A Country That Hasn’t Recovered All Its Honor Based on The Historic Facts It Won’t Admit

 Saw a video today about a dog & bunny who looked just like this

I'll try to do my best to find it.

"In an intensely polarized nation, many people have little faith that their maskless fellow Americans have actually been vaccinated. That lack of trust, fueled by the ongoing politicization of the pandemic, tears at the fabric of a public-health strategy built on the assumption that other people will do the right thing." - Washington Post 

That whole "the maskless and the anti-vaxxers might be a circle" thing.  The same "thing" that let Matt Gaetz' dad buy his multiple-DUI on a Congressional seat in the first place.

I’d rather talk more about (Sir!) Andy Murray’s birthday today and will do so in the comments – but to have both Congresswomen AOC (who’s being harassed by a white supremacist America Firster who still has her seat in Congress – I would say “for some reason”, but I know the reason: because white supremacists who live in her district harassed her opponent out of the race so she could run unopposed; these are not people who believe in “fair play” or “good faith”) AND Cori Bush talk bluntly about apartheid states and then draw the direct parallel to oppressive forces here from violent opposition to a decent minimum wage to the execution-style murders by Jeff Sessions’ and Billy Barr’s “police force” to the point where the ICC is considering looking into the treatment of BIPOC by white supremacist “police” as a series of crimes against humanity --




the Kochs and their co-conspirators pouring tens of millions into cookie-cutter-stamping voter suppression “legislation” in 47 states and then harassing their state executive branches to sign it into “law” as fast as possible so that those same Black and Brown and poor and young people can’t vote, like we're living on Camazotz or something –


it would be irresponsible at this time of parallel international turmoil not to keep paying attention … even on an otherwise at least marginally sunny day with it looking like Tish James might strip the NRA’s 510(c)(3) protections and expose those Republicans the Russians have been paying after all.



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