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Saturday, July 17, 2021

Just Hide in the Bedroom As Needed Assuming You Haven't Been Redlined – John Lewis In Memoriam and Biz Markie RIP … & OT



Got inspiration for that title from a comment earlier today … as we’re all going through this incredibly weird weather exacerbated by a climate crisis Exxon & its fossil fuel brethren are paying Republican Senators & Congresspeople to pretend isn’t happening … even as we’re hearing about 2 months’ worth of rain in just 2 days over in West Germany and Belgium.


*oh, look, here comes the rain again here*

WA State Tenants Get Modified Eviction Reprieve

I generally endorse intermittent hiding in the bedroom as stress alleviation strategy -- it's just for the unbearable heat anymore, especially in the middle of this particular July.

I’m sometimes a touch conflicted about talking on the Saturday Night Weekend Post about challenging things the country  - the world – are having trouble facing (the climate crisis, structural institutional racism & all those things’ relationships to what I just heard referred to as “what’s left of the Voting Rights Act”).

Too well I know Everyone Had A Difficult Time Facing the Day to Day in Their Lives and Just Wants to RELAX. 

Thing is, doing our collective best to pretend a whole lot of these things didn’t exist and weren’t going to hit us all eventually (to varying degrees, sure, but even Branson and Bezos aren’t going to be able to move permanently into space unless Elysium is already built) is for my money one of the biggest reasons we’re all mired in the collective quicksand in the first place.  Plus I figure nobody can actually DO anything about anything unless we know about it and all too often we're way too preoccupied with dodging the active saboteurs in our two & three jobs and other assorted jangly life tangles to know about it (not to speak of which the sheer speed of the disasters teeters 24/7 these days on the exceedingly out of control).

So we keep on.

One more time with the story from Dave Zirin about how Biz was DJing and quelled a potential violent breakout by saying he was going to play sad country songs till everybody cooled the h*ll out.



