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 Container ship leaving the harbour. If you zoom in you can see the pilot boat following behind to guide it to the open ocean.  Ducks taking...

Sunday, July 11, 2021

⚽️😢 Sunday Evening OT

 Let's not talk about soccer.

I watched a doc about Sesame Street last night.

Really enjoyed it, but I was so sad when Mr. Hooper was onscreen. Still not over it. What was your favourite Sesame Street segment? Or celebrity visit? It's more recent, but I have so much love for this Celebrity Lullaby. 

I also love the clips of 70s and 80s kids interacting with the muppets.

This is probably my favourite Ernie and Bert sketch.
What's up? I'll be spending my evening listening to Italian fans drive around honking their horns. Sigh.
