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Caturday Morning Open Thread

Hello and welcome to another weekendish thing.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Sassy Sunday Evening OT

I thought I had lost my collection of Sassy magazines in the move after my separation, so imagine my joy when I discovered them all in my old room in my parents' home!
Loved, loved, loved this magazine! They had book reviews! And articles that pissed off Moral Majority.

I should've paid more attention to their mid-90s article about right wing activists on campus. 

Here is Evan Dando Kim Gordon, to teach you how to make fish tacos.
Some 90s fashion and opinion.

Randomly, here's the picture I drew that was published in Owl magazine when I was 10. The prompt was, "what would happen if vegetables were huge."

I think we've already discussed our favourite childhood objects, but what's something you thought you'd lost and were relieved to find again? Or something you miss from your teens?

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