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Thursday evening open thread.

 I voted, and there was hardly anyone there. It took all of 3 minutes. It might pick up this evening after people get off work. Filing conti...

Saturday, September 18, 2021

πŸ” Cheeseburger Chatterday Chinwag

Do you want to go large? It's National Cheeseburger Day but please don't chatter with your mouth full. Also Big Whopper Liar Day.

Hmmm! Boris wants us to go back to pounds and ounces.  

Growing up in the giddy days of metrification, I wound up having problems with both. I flit between the two with no real appreciation of either. Maybe another generation will wind up feeling the same.  

Happy Birthday Roo! πŸŽ‚ Twenty-one again? 

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to deal with conflict in a positive way. Once they have learned to face rather than run away from challenges, their destiny is to contribute knowledge that benefits or inspires humanity.

I'll be along later, but in the meantime please indulge yourself with bats, cats, hats, spatulas, pies, lies and fries. And whatever else is on the horizon.

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