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Thursday, September 23, 2021

Thursday Morning Open Thread


Today in 1889 Fusajiro Yamauchi founded a playing card company in Kyoto Japan.  He named that company Nintendo Karuta.

Over the years that company went from making hanafuda playing cards, to cards using Disney characters.

At one point they also ran a taxi service, and instant rice packaging company, and a line of short stay no tell hotels....

Eventually they found their way to electronic toys, and video games.  That's when they really hit it big time with the family computer system (Famicom) or by it's US name the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). At the time retail companies wouldn't sell any video game products due to Atari's collapse.  That's why it was called an Entertainment System.

  After the success of the NES and the Gameboy, Nintendo was here to stay. 

 So now that I'm done rambling on, what's up with you?  It's your open thread.

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