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Caturday Morning Open Thread

Hello and welcome to another weekendish thing.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

If Orange Was A Place and "More Whites" Was Just Wine & Not Republican Redistricting - Saturday Night OT


(photo ©rooopixx - bc last week i forgot to say)

This is about colors and unconscious bias

THEE ratio is so well-deserved

I can just about guarantee you that the White lady Bloomberg reporter who got ratioed in the comments of her own reporting has no idea of the combination of near-inborn unconscious bias and the stuff that was activated and aggravated by the constant drumbeat of Russiapublican propaganda that led her not just to say what she said (and wreck her own “objectivity” pledge thereby) but also to prioritize it

I betcha too when she thinks of it she's going to try her best to say “butbutbut I was talking about how Joe Biden gaffes all the time used to gaffe all the time … um”

sure fine uh huh

But as much as John McCain is lionized now in part because the Orange Autocrat hates him, let's remember that the senior McCain's own Republican campaign staff in fact mocked the science-based suggestions of the Obama campaign in 2008 – that optimizing one's tire pressure does in fact maximize one's gas mileage – and they were actually taking advantage of the LOW INFORMATION level of their own d*mn voters thereby, because they knew they were a combination of too stupid, too lazy, too angry, and too bigoted to go look it up for themselves and find out whether or not that was ACTUALLY true.

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