Saturday, November 27, 2021

SHAKING UR DREADLOCKS & SHAKING THE TREE – Indigenous Peoples’ Day Weekend Saturday Night OT and RIP Stephen Sondheim


Sometimes just one image with a graphic kind of sums it up

We're all going to need to get better at listening *through* the news, not leastwise because it's not just Faux Noise telling lies --

I'd go some to have an ear to some of the walls of the meetings in those rooms -- not leastwise because no matter how much Republicans yowl, "inflation" doesn't mean "the government isn't doing anything", contrary to what seems to be comparatively common belief -- what it means is that corporations (many of them Saudi-owned) are raising prices unchecked.

Also, Facebook?  According to a late-breaking report I think I heard not 20 minutes ago, they are not correcting or even labeling misinformation that's being spread about elections or politics in any language other than English.  

Heads up.

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