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Caturday Morning Open Thread

Hello and welcome to another weekendish thing.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Monday Is No Fun Day, An Open Thread In The Dark


Maestro dei Cassoni Campana - Theseus and Minotaur. 1510 - 1515  Try climbing out of the maze, you dolt.

Last Monday of 2021. How did today go? Didja have to work? Stay home and veg? Let us know.

Sometimes, we all could use a little help out of a jam. Sometimes that jam lasts an entire year or longer. I think about Ariadne a lot when I think of the helpers, and how regularly they are tossed aside by the Theseuses of the world. Perseus, Odysseus, Jason, etc. The stories in Greek myth are strewn with discarded women's bodies. Maybe Circe and Medea had the right idea.

Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot

In college, a young woman visited me while I was ill with a virus and weak as a baby. She sang to me, brought food and water, made sure I got the assignments. When I was a bit improved, she walked me to and from class. I'd just met her, and she wasn't expecting anything, I think. Her name was Erica (she had a boyfriend and was completely out of my league besides), and she helped me when I needed it. I hope she's happy and well, wherever she is. 

If you feel like sharing anything about someone who may have helped you out this year or in past years, please do so. Toot your own horn if you're a helper. Otherwise, open thread ahoy.

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