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Massive Storms Unleash Radiation Belts – Saturday Night OT


Saturday, January 8, 2022

Soggy Saturday Stuff


Welcome to some weekend warbling. We've been washed away by heavy rain. The snow and the hail gave way to lots and lots of water.  Supposed to clear up later. 

Woke up to the news that Sidney Poitier has passed away. He came from Cat Island. 

Pink Hulk says "GRRRR!"

Back in my comic shop days, there was a thing where papers or tv would run a story about a comic that had sold for a princely sum. Folk would see it and rush in with say, a copy of Complete Fantastic Four No. 1, then get really disappointed when you explained it wasn't the one that brought in the mega-bucks. There was also a key Amazing Spider-Man, which we wanted, but nobody understood why we didn't want the John Carter and Rawhide Kid that came with it.  

Changing tack, what kind of twat does this ...

Currently we have meatless sausages in at work. Plus meatless burgers, ribs and bacon. Do I want to try them? Also a range of Indian ready meals. The paneer (curried cheese and peas) ones sold out, the butter chicken is moving. Not looking good for the Thai green chicken though.   

What's going in your microwave this weekend?

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