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Sunday dinner OT

I started writing a post about dystopian fiction but I changed my mind. Enjoy this photo of a wintery bridge in a provincial park instead.  ...

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Superbowl Sunday Morning Open Thread

 It's the most American day of the year.

A day about eating all the unhealthy food while watching highly paid athletes give each other traumatic brain injuries to make billionaire owners even richer. Funded by very expensive advertisements that people who don't care about sports still watch the game "for the commercials." Commercials that fight to become news so they get that extra adverting bang for their millions of bucks. So very American. 

Then there are the very famous people performing a halftime show for the prestige(?) and exposure because it is NFL policy to pay all its performers scale no matter how much they normal charge - making the NFL extra American. It also explains a few things.

At least there's the puppy bowl (although you need cable or a streaming subscription to watch it).

As for the rest of the world, this is America. What do we care. You can stick with your Olympics watching.

Although if I were Putin and decided to invade the Ukraine, the best time would be during the Superbowl. If he wants your average American remember him, having the Superbowl broadcast preempted because of an invasion might just do it. I'm not sure the network would actually stop the coverage for more than 30 seconds. Priorities.   

So what are your plans on this fine Sunday? I will probably eat some unhealthy food but skip the rest.

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