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FREEDOM TO READ – Saturday Night OT


Saturday, April 2, 2022

Saturday Stuffed


My laptop is still on the fritz, but the nice folk at Dreff Werdd have leant me a tablet to use until I sort something out. 

The cost of living is a hot topic at present, with food and fuel prices leaping up. Apparently locally we produce 133 per cent of electricity needs but most of that goes elsewhere.

As I write, the snow has gone bar some dandruff up top. I miss it but expect we might get some more before too long. It has been sunny but diabolically cold.

Currently I am reading Tin Can Cook by Jack Monroe. Funny and useful. Does what it says on the cover.

This week's Beano has a guide BTW discovering what type of fart you are? I'm a Smelly Fartinator and Cariad is a Funky Trumper. She lived up to that laying something rather eggs in the kitchen tonight.


The Bash Street Kids tackle NFTs as well, but you know that when The Beano was printed on bog paper they never would have featured a fart gag to begin with.

Take it away.

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