Friday, May 13, 2022

Fur Face Friday

Hello and welcome to Fur Face Friday the Thirteenth, where all the scary things you’ve seen this week are soothed by the magic of cute. Last week all the critters gave good face, and the soulful gazes just kept comin’.

If Krispy’s sheltercat friend Panda wants to find home, all he has to do is look to Tigger.

In case you're new here, favorites are chosen by one of the Snout Selectors (facw, k2b, Hannibal, leahaven, Iroqdemic and myopicprophet), entirely on our own whimsy. WHIMSY! However, in the interest of solidarity, we try to select one dog picture and one cat picture (minimum!) each week. Other pets will also, of course, be considered. We love all your rats, bunnies, ferrets, and other furry, feathery, and finny pals. WE WILL NEVER DISCRIMINATE AGAINST CUTE.

415s30’s Sylvie is keeping her eyes on the prize, even if her teefs can’t quite reach.


CTSEnvy’s Tarzan contemplates the majesty of his own mighty haunches.

Springboard’s Bella is engaging her inner sight in a cozy moment.


Kiltedpadre’s Ruby says you should put the book down and enjoy nature. Specifically, hers.


Hannibal’s new featherface neighbors have an eye to some pie in the sky.


And if you peek in sheltercat Cleocatra’s ears, you can probably see to the ocean.

That’s it for this week, folks. The good thing about fur faces is they always give us a little perspective. Now show us your own beautiful visions of floof. 

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