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Caturday Morning Open Thread

Hello and welcome to another weekendish thing.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Mendhi Evening Open Thread

Hello Backtalkians. Dishes are piling up and the garbage pickup was missed this week. Have you guys even looked at the chore board? Straighten up and fly right. You're making communal living look like a joke.

from 2018, waiting for the doctor...

Older kid: Make me a cool tattoo dad!
Me: Sure, how about a cat sitting on a toilet.

The doctor was really running late that day

The younger child has been drawing all over her hands with tattoo pens for the last year. Originally they were simple and elegantly swirly, but lately it's been chaos. Her hands look like she gardened without gloves and received 2nd degree burns on her fingertips. My wife says she picked up drawing on herself from me. I responded "Nonsense. I draw on my pants too." 


An old veteran I used to know had open heart surgery and resulting hideous scars on his hairy chest. Did he try covering them up? No, he opted for a tattoo of Mickey Mouse pushing a lawnmower so it looked like the scar was a cleared patch of grass.

My wife has a couple tattoos, I have none. She used to go to Devon Ave and get mendhi done on her hands while I gorged myself into a coma on Indian food.

Do you have tattoos? Or have you seen any cool ones? How about body art? Mendhi?
