LOL GOP but also - sooo much hypocrisy but also SO MUCH MONEY
We'll get into some (it's a lot) of the history of how we got here in comments - there are some posts where we can start people off with one Tweet but the whole thread really is necessary if you want to know not just what happened and who started it but why they did it ... but also that, unlike what fascists want to convince us of generally, time is not always "now" and so things were not always this way because they do not want you to know there's a possibility to change things back or move forward and make them better but instead for people to passively and despairingly accept the lot the cheaters in power offer them because we don't know any better and we ... are not doing that today
Things in particular to notice
- what Confederate fascist Republicans get sneaky quiet about
- what they get LOUD about
the "sneaky quiet" category tends to include things like
- achievements of marginalized communities generally
- their own real srs / genocidal atrocities generally
- when they want to take rights away from people and don't want anybody to notice until it's too late
(the through line from Reagan mucking around with the pricing / cost of public education all the way to the current SCOTUS #Fascist6 and their Shadow Docket feels pretty clear)
what they get LOUD about
- projections, excuse making
see generally, DTrump's social media (can people please stop posting his Truth Social dribblings all over the rest of the internets, particularly when he's trying to incite the fascists still employed by the FBI since they did nothing about their white supremacists on the inside for 100 years against the remainder of the agents there? plskthxx byyyyee) and the goalpost-moving and near-incessant excuse-making of the Republicans still trying to defend him (no, Mick Mulvaney, it is not "just documents" when there are actual lives of covert agents involved and CBS, please fire him because you never should've given him that contract in the first place but this is a particularly bad look since we are trying to get rid of the FASCIST ENABLERS and make a little social progress as a country so we stop looking so bad to the literal rest of the world and also so everyone can have rights. kthxx.)