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Sunday dinner OT

I started writing a post about dystopian fiction but I changed my mind. Enjoy this photo of a wintery bridge in a provincial park instead.  ...

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Sunday Evening OT

Chilean viscacha considering which way to vote.

Lots of interesting things happening in the world. Today Chile is voting on a new constitution to replace the one created by Pinochet during his dictatorship. If it passes, it'll be the most progressive constitution in the world, including things like water rights and the reproductive rights, and requiring action on climate change. 



 The Intercept: Chile Constitution Vote

The Guardian: Chile Constitution 

My sprots teams are doing well this weekend, so that's nice. I may take a road trip on Tuesday to watch these guys play in their semifinal series. 

It's also #SundayFishSketch ! 

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