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Sunday evening OT

Good evening/ night/ morning!  There may be more northern lights on the way 🀞   Meanwhile in Saskatchewan, it came from above.  Wishing a h...

Monday, October 31, 2022


How was your day? Did you watch or read anything creepy today? Do anything on this special day? Devour candy straight out of the bag?

Porch Cat brought me a gift from the Haunted Koi Pond in the yard. Crawling upon the fleshless dead rodent were hundreds of tiny burrowing things. Smaller than my pinky fingernail. (If you were to ask, I would say my pinky is "regular pinky size") On closer inspection, they looked like quadrupedal fish. They dissolved within minutes outside the swamp-scummy waters of the Haunted Koi Pond so I've no good pictures. Here's a sketch of a specimen's six fingered hands:

I attempted to capture its silver-white flesh:
The head is grossly disproportionate to its body size. A deep sea angler?

Whatever it was, the paper I placed it upon decayed - corrupted, I'd say - almost immediately. I should have been more careful to avoid touching it. My fingers blistered almost immediately, the largest blister is so swollen that the skin is stretched thin enough I can see the fresh dermis beneath. Things are moving in there. It hurts like a MF.

As for Porch Cat, I haven't seen her in days. I hear her occasionally mew, but at other times there's the quality of a baby imitating its mama's speech. I saw her shadow briefly the other day. There's nothing about the hunched, multiple-appendaged silhouette that resembles a cat anymore. I can hear her at night. Yesterday from below the porch. This morning, her plaintive voice emitting from the attic woke me. Everything she tells me is rotten, and I cannot repeat what she said other than this one thing. She says she's hungry all the time now. 

I think I am too.

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