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Caturday Morning Open Thread

Hello and welcome to another weekendish thing.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Being A Sportsball Fan as A Solo Woman Is Full of Dangers - Saturday Night OT


h/t Best Coast Codco, from this morning's thread

Leonard Cohen, "Everybody Knows"

I have a *whole* lot of thoughts but am going to do my best to keep them to comments and also I am tired

I would like to make a request that everyone read Sherrilyn Ifill's piece in her Substack in response to Conor Friedersdorf's rambling.  I'll link it below, it should be both accessible and free 

For those unfamiliar with her credentials, she is a Senior Fellow at the Ford Foundation and the former Lead Counsel at the NAACP Legal Defense Fund (and it's the most even-handed way I can make this observation to point out that it's illustrative of the systemic imbalances inherent in the systemic problems we've been besieged with both lately and also for 200-400 years that I would feel compelled to post her credentials as an incentive for people to read her democratically necessary piece but not to have a word to say of those of the White man whose fauxguments she meticulously refutes, even as he attempts to blame-shift and his contentions have no merit).

From Sherrilyn's piece  ^^ - subtitled "When White America Offloads Its Failures on to Civil Rights Movements"  

Also, you're not imagining it -- discussions on better resolutions of vast inequities are more exhausting because they always require a comparative analysis:

and the resulting contrast

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