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Caturday Morning Open Thread

 Hello and welcome to another weekendish whatsis.

Monday, January 2, 2023

This Is the Monday 🌔 OT - Jan 2, 2023

Hope everyone had a good New Year's Day. And I wish for everything to come together for you in 2023.

Sisters IRL Françoise Dorléac and Catherine Deneuve playing twin sisters Solange and Delphine Garnier in Les Demoiselles de Rochefort, Demy, 1967

I had modest goals in 2022 which I failed to meet. I assume the same thing will happen at the end of 2023, but I will still try. These aren't resolutions exactly. Just small boring baby steps:

  • Tackled Kurosawa last year, finished his movies in chronological order some time in July or August, and this year I'll do the same with Truffaut since I already got a head start with 400 Blows in December. He only made 32 and they should be relatively easy to find.
  • 100 books - the usual - I fell short by a couple dozen in '22, but I always do worse in election years. '22 was brimming with horrible world events. '23 will probably be worse but at least there's no US election grabbing my eyeballs.
  • Various household fixes - roofing and deck esp.
  • Limit computer screen time to ~ hour/day.
  • Bike more. Drive less.
  • Smile more. Talk less. ~ Aaron Burr, sir
  • Survive another year - at least to my birthday around the summer solstice
Terry Hall, who died two weeks ago, will be best remembered for The Specials, but did you know he also co-wrote the best (objectively) Go-Go's song? He and Jane Wiedlin, the coolest (objectively) Go-Go, had a brief torrid affair, and some of the words in his letters to her made it into the song. At least that's the story I heard. It's a perfect pop song:

Enjoy your evening, folks. I'll be in Skokie, where my daughter is rehearsing with her accompanist for a competition the following weekend, when the OT publishes. Skokie, Il is not as exciting as you may have heard.

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