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Caturday Morning Open Thread

 Hello and welcome to the first weekend of July.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Monday 🌖 OT. May Is AAPI Heritage Month

... which I completely forgot about. Be nice to someone in the Asian, Asian American, Pacific Islander communities. It's a funny grouping. Me and Duane Johnson are like

      And to all the kids who asked me after 1983 to teach them dirty words in my language, to whom I replied that the worst thing you can say to someone from my country is:
"Yub nub
eee chop yub nub
ah toe meet toe pee-chee keene
g'noop dock fling oh ah"

I apologize. To Marc especially, since all you wanted was to ask pretty May S in your science class out on a date. I don't remember what I told you to say, but it couldn't have been good. I did tell you more than once that I'm not Chinese. And neither is May. She's Taiwanese, and yes, there's a difference.

    I feel better getting that off my chest. How are things with you?

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