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Wednesday morning open thread

  Whatchya doing today? I have no idea what I'm doing today.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Thursday evening open thread


It's hawwt here. I don't have any shallow containers that I can put out for water for the birds. I think I'm going to hunt around in the basement for planter saucers. I've caved and put the a/c on, but I only set it for 77 F, which I find is very comfortable if I'm wearing shorts and a light top. We should get a break on Saturday, and then the weather will be lovely for about a week; hovering around 72 F.

For Pride Month (or maybe just Pride Week, I'm not sure) the TTC, the Toronto transit, will be switching out the subway door closing chimes (automated "bing bong" noise") for a local LGBTQ+ choir singing chimes. One of my former colleagues is in the choir, as is a longtime patron of our collection.
