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 Good evening.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Monday Morning Open Thread

Hello everybody - time to face another week in the world, even if it looks at you funny.

August 28th is the anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

The stated goals of the protest included “a comprehensive civil rights bill” that would do away with segregated public accommodations; “protection of the right to vote”; mechanisms for seeking redress of violations of constitutional rights; “desegregation of all public schools in 1963”; a massive federal works program “to train and place unemployed workers”; and “a Federal Fair Employment Practices Act barring discrimination in all employment”

So it's just like the right-wingers say: it's all about being polite and getting along whilst pretending to be color-blind and not making a ruckus. (LOL no.)


It's also International Read Comics in Public Day.

What's on your agenda for today?
