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Caturday Morning Open Thread

Hello and welcome to another weekendish thing.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Fur Face Friday!

 Welcome all, it's Friday the 13th, but fortunately the Fur Faces aren't spooky yet (this isn't actually fortunate, I'm looking forward to pets in costumes). In any event they have been taking advantage of the warm fall to get outside as evidenced by last week's post, so lets take a look at the best:

First up is Ruby who is looking pretty swole among the leaves

In case you're new here, favorites are chosen by one of the Snout Selectors (facw, k2b, Hannibal, leahaven, and myopicprophet), entirely on our own whimsy. WHIMSY! However, in the interest of solidarity, we try to select one dog picture and one cat picture (minimum!) each week. Other pets will also, of course, be considered. We love all your rats, bunnies, ferrets, and other furry, feathery, and finny pals. WE WILL NEVER DISCRIMINATE AGAINST CUTE.

Next up, if you look very closely you can find Polly, enjoying some rest out on the patio:

Also enamored with the deck lifestyle was Louis (who was trying on his costume options!)

It's not quite a deck, but the dog park had a new wooden structure for Fanny:

I'm just going to assume this wonderful bun from one of WitchFinderSQRL's library patrons is outdoors, seems like a good place for it:

 Lal meanwhile thinks we should all come in:

Might not be a bad idea is there are dangerous predators out there:

In any event, that's all for last week! It's time to show us your Fur Faces!

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