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I started writing a post about dystopian fiction but I changed my mind. Enjoy this photo of a wintery bridge in a provincial park instead.  ...

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Apparently There is A New Star Wars Map - Saturday Night OT


(Source: Star Wars Dawn of the Rebellion Visual Guide)

So there is more to celebrate today than just the gathering at the 2nd annual Obama Foundation Democracy Forum

and the 15th anniversary of the election of the first Black President of the United States

The Foundation's Democracy Forum covers 6 hours of everything from wellness in our ubiquitous digital space to how to find credible, reliable news amongst the global floods of misinformation and the absorption of local outlets in these global behemoths, to AI and building an inclusive economic society

It's a spirit-lifter (Baratunde Thurston co-hosts with President Obama as the forum-long MC and Valerie Jarrett moderates several panels) and here is the link to the whole thing so you can listen to segments as time allows

There are some other frank talks in comments about the state of the nation and the world (Karen Hunter talks with Drs Mary Trump and Koritha Mitchell, and it felt healing and validating just to hear the truth spoken w/clarity as we work out where we go from here in order to exert best efforts to hang onto democracy in the midst of this global maelstrom of ... other stuff)

they could be in your house right now ^^

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